© the royal łazienki museum


We co-created the long - term strategy for the Royal Łazienki Museum.

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The Royal Łazienki Museum is one of the largest cultural institutions in Poland, attracting millions of visitors annually. It is a flagship cultural site representing Poland and Warsaw internationally, as well as one of the favorite leisure spots for Warsaw residents. It serves as a venue for exceptional events and stands as a testimony to history, holding immense significance for Polish culture.

what we do

In collaboration with the museum's team, we developed the Royal Łazienki Museum’s strategy for 2024–2028.

We established the foundational elements of the institution's identity, including its mission, vision, and core values guiding its activities.

We defined strategic objectives, tactical goals, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to enable ongoing evaluation of the institution’s efforts across all key areas.

To ensure flexibility in execution, instead of creating detailed action schedules for the entire strategy period, we designed a process of recurrent updates to operational plans based on clear guidelines derived from the strategy. Additionally, we established working groups responsible for preparing and evaluating these plans.

© the royal łazienki museum

how we do it

Developing a long-term strategy for a public institution is a complex process where the role of an external entity is purely supportive.

The consultant defines the framework of the process, asks questions, and facilitates dialogue, while the answers and decisions are formulated directly by the stakeholders— in this case, the institution’s leadership and team.

The first stage of our collaboration involved analyzing the assumptions and constraints influencing the strategy’s design, as outlined in the laws governing the museum's operations, founding acts, statutory documents, and partnership commitments. Particular attention was given to previously developed substantive documents, including the ministry-approved Museum Strategic Plan for 2023–2028 and completed audience and brand research.

The next stage consisted of a series of strategic workshops involving a team representing various areas of the museum’s operations. Involving a diverse group of employees allowed us to identify key challenges, align high-level assumptions from overarching documents with the practical realities of the museum's operations, and address employees' needs and aspirations. Through open discussions, we defined the essential elements for the institution's mission and vision, along with a matrix of strategic goals and their corresponding tactical areas.

The entire museum team participated in finalizing the document. Following a meeting where the outcomes of the previous work were presented, every employee—regardless of their department or position—was invited to submit feedback on the draft document.

The adopted flexible strategy format ensures that the overview document provides direction and sets a framework for evaluation while specific actions emerge from operational plans developed cyclically. This approach allows the strategy to remain resilient to unforeseen circumstances and incorporate evolving assumptions and conditions arising from future work.